Sun Control Window Film Pros & Cons For Homes by Sciencing

Sun control window film pros & cons for homes by sciencing - home window tinting in akron, ohio

We came across an article in Sciencing Online Magazine about the pros and cons of a sun control window film for your home. We thought this article shared some interesting information and we wanted to summarize it here. The article begins by defining what these films are and what they are typically used for. The…

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Commercial Decorative Glass Films – 7 Reasons They Beat Custom Glass

7 reasons to consider commercial decorative glass films - decorative window film in akron, ohio

Considering a custom glass or decorative glass option for your commercial space? Whether aiming to add privacy, style or just looking for a change in decor, commercial decorative glass films are a cost effective solution. These innovative films are very versatile and allow freedom in design. In addition, they can be customized to fulfill any…

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Window Film Retrofit Upgrades Glass According To Architect Magazine

Window film retrofit upgrades glass according to architect magazine - commercial and home window film and window tinting in akron, ohio

In an article in Architect Magazine entitled “The Effects of Window Films Go Beyond the Surface” by Wanda Lau, she explains how a window film retrofit your existing windows can enhance their performance. We wanted to summarize that article to explain some of the ways window films upgrade existing windows with minimum disruption to a…

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Window Tint & Window Film Benefits and Their Differences

Window tint & window film benefits and their differences - window tinting and window film in akron, ohio

Ever had to squint your eyes from bright glare or struggle to maintain a comfortable temperature in a sunny room? How about wanting some additional privacy or security from a glass surface? If so, you may have thought about a product that might be applied to your windows to solve this issue. However, if you…

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Cost-Effective Energy Savings for Homes & Commercial Spaces

Cost-effective energy savings for homes & commercial spaces - home and commercial window tinting in akron, ohio

Want cost-effective energy savings for your home or commercial space? Consider a professionally installed window film. Modern window films have taken major leaps in recent years and have little in common with basic window tint you might find on a car. High levels of performance can be achieved while barely being able to detect that…

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