🍂 Beat the Chill & Save on Energy Bills

Energy efficient retrofit for older home windows - home window tinting in akron, ohio.

With summer’s farewell and the arrival of cooler temperatures, many homeowners are already dreading the prospect of skyrocketing energy bills. But fear not! This pre-winter period is the perfect time to invest in home improvements that can significantly boost your home’s energy efficiency. And if you can save money in the long run, why not…

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Prevent Fading in Your Home: The Washington Post

Prevent fading at home - washington post discusses how - home window tint & film in akron, ohio.

You may have noticed some sun-related fading here and there around your house. Maybe you lifted a rug, and your flooring was darker underneath, or a piece of artwork that’s usually in the light has noticeably changed color since you hung it. Is this preventable? In a question and answer segment of the Home &…

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All About Safety Window Film

Learn all about safety window film, why it's useful, and how its application can help in akron, ohio.

Chances are, unless you’re in the window film business, you may not have heard of safety and security window film. But you should be aware of it because of its increasing presence in everyday life. From commercial buildings to homes and even vehicles, safety window film is everywhere. Beyond its practical applications, safety film is…

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May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month – Protect Your Skin!

May is skin cancer awareness month - protect your skin! - window tinting services in akron, ohio

We want to kick off May, Skin Cancer Awareness Month, talking about protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Protecting your skin from the sun is a serious matter. While fad diets and pop science tout “cancer preventing” super foods with difficult to pronounce names, protecting yourself from the most common type…

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Improve Home Comfort this Winter with Home Window Film

Improve home comfort this winter with home window film - home window film and tint in akron, ohio

If You Need to Reduce Glare and Harsh Light, Home Window Film and Tint Can Help! Most people think of window film or window tinting primarily as something that helps in the Summer. However, Winter is often the time when glare and harsh light become big issues. Is there a way to reduce glare, harsh…

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Considering Home Window Replacement? Read This First.

Considering home window replacement? Read this first. - home window tinting and film in akron, ohio

Have you been considering a home window replacement? There may be some better ideas that you should consider before pulling the trigger. In this post we summarize an article from The Washington Post entitled “What to consider before replacing the windows on your home“. The article is based on the author being asked by a…

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Window Tint & Window Film Benefits and Their Differences

Window tint & window film benefits and their differences - window tinting and window film in akron, ohio

Ever had to squint your eyes from bright glare or struggle to maintain a comfortable temperature in a sunny room? How about wanting some additional privacy or security from a glass surface? If so, you may have thought about a product that might be applied to your windows to solve this issue. However, if you…

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Cost-Effective Energy Savings for Homes & Commercial Spaces

Cost-effective energy savings for homes & commercial spaces - home and commercial window tinting in akron, ohio

Want cost-effective energy savings for your home or commercial space? Consider a professionally installed window film. Modern window films have taken major leaps in recent years and have little in common with basic window tint you might find on a car. High levels of performance can be achieved while barely being able to detect that…

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Reduce Glare & Harsh Light To Make Your Home More Comfortable

Reduce glare and harsh light making homes more comfortable this winter - home window film services in akron, ohio

Need to Reduce Glare and Harsh Light? Window Film Can Help! Most people think of window film or window tinting primarily as something that helps in the Summer. It can reduce glare and heat coming through the glass making a room uncomfortable. However, Winter is often the time when glare and harsh light become big…

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